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Quotes About ACOE

What ACOE Members are Saying about ACOE


  • ” I really appreciated ACOE’s help last year regarding disputed sick days.  With your help the situation was almost immediately resolved!”–Laura Wolfe
  • “Thank you both (ACOE President Marla Vaughn and Executive Director Terry Slone) for representing us at the Safety Meeting (School Security and Student and Teacher Safety meeting before the Alabama House and Senate Education Committees 1/9/2013). I appreciate the information that was given the committee and appreciate the route that was taken to get EVERYONE’S opinions. It was interesting to see the results and I appreciate you giving everyone the voice to express THEIR opinion. God bless you as you work to represent those of us who like to have our own opinions and not be told how we need to vote or how we need to think”. LS

  • “I have been very happy with ACOE and would certainly return should I find myself teaching in Alabama again!” ST

  • “I just want to thank all of you who work so hard for us and DON’T tell us WHO to vote for but give us the information we need to make our own informed decision. I can’t believe there are still soooo many who allow (xxxxx) to treat them like puppets and tell them their every move to make. It just makes me sad. God bless! LS

  • “I just received my email about voting and the amendments. I want to thank ACOE for not CRAMING their political views down my throat! I noticed in 2 different places that is says “YOUR OWN” and “YOUR CHOICE”. Praise God!!!! I’m glad there is an organization out there that TRULY understands what FREEDOM means”. SJ

  • “I believe strongly in what ACOE stands for – I believe in doing what we need to do for our students and those who are responsible for them. I don’t appreciate the politics that stand in our way. I appreciate that ACOE stands for principles and values and fights for what is right, not just what is politically acceptable. We teachers don’t have time to fight our battles most days as we are consumed with teaching and reaching our students. Thank you for fighting and standing for us. I am willing to help when and where I can”. EA

  • ” I got my (referral)check last week and was excited. It’s my new I-phone money!” SM

  • ” Good morning. Thank you. I really appreciate your time and the information below. ACOE has been a blessing”. HD

  • “Thanks Terry (Executive Director Terry Slone), I don’t know if I ever sent a thank you, but I want you to know that I am thankful to you, your staff, and Mr. Webster and his staff for your help a few months ago”. NA

  • I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer my concerns in this letter. I have not yet finished the information that you sent me in the attachment. It is very overwhelming to me to digest all of the information but I am going to finish going over it all. I know that it took a great deal of time to not only respond to my concerns but you also followed up your email with a phone call to see if I had received it. I appreciate it very much and am very thankful to be a part of a group like ACOE. (SC)

  • Dear ACOE, I want to thank you for representing your members in every way that you advertise you will.  I have been a member of ACOE for the past six years and during those years your rates have stayed the same, you’re very prompt in returning calls and answering questions, your legal counsel is outstanding, and your service has been wonderful. Your yearly payment plan offers affordable and optional means for easy
    payments to its members.  I have had the opportunity to use your legal service and was extremely pleased.  A few years ago I faced a situation in my school system where I needed the legal services of ACOE.  I called your office and within one hour one of your attorneys returned my call.  I explained my situation and within two days the problem was solved to my complete satisfaction.  The attorneys working for me were in Birmingham and I was never asked to pay one penny.  Let me also say that the situation they solved for me was an unusual one and I was very impressed at how quickly and effectively they solved the problem.  I highly recommend ACOE to all educators and support personnel.  You have been there for me in every way and in every situation.  I am very pleased to be a member of ACOE. (S)

  • Thank you for the prompt response and the information you provided! I really do appreciate the fact that ACOE will give its members facts and information needed without telling us how we should or should not vote. I have not regretted joining ACOE! (P)

  • About 5 years ago I was transferred from a Title 1 job to a teaching job at the same school. I felt it was unjust and asked ACOE for help. I was not alone in my request, another teacher was transferred also. We found out about the transfers in the newspaper. I think that speaks volumes about the leadership. Without hesitation, ACOE sent counsel to our aid to make sure we were not being denied our rights. (P)

  • Thanks so much for the information. It seems like your organization is exactly what I am looking to join. I am highly frustrated with the state of the 2 unions at this time. I am currently a member of (name withheld) and the dynamic between the two groups has grown to where it is almost impossible to enjoy the workplace. I heard of ACOE on a FaceBook post where one of your members posted that there is a 3rd organization. I am glad to hear that there are other Jefferson County employees and that the numbers are rising. (L)

  • I have been a member of ACOE for several years and would like to share my experience with the group.  I have heard rumors that some teacher unions are stating that ACOE does not offer the same legal support, or that money has to be paid up front for services.  That is simply not true.  I was in my sixth year of teaching when I experienced an incident that required legal advice.  I contacted the ACOE and after discussing my situation with the ACOE legal representative it was determined that an attorney was needed and I was assigned one in the area to represent me.  I met and worked with the local attorney throughout the entire time and never had to pay any outside expenses.  Even when the cost of the attorney representation exceeded the amount anticipated, the ACOE organization paid the bills until the matter was resolved.  They took
    great measures to make sure my situation was solved fairly and without any expense to me.  It is a great organization and I would recommend them to anyone in the school profession.  (M)

  • I joined ACOE because I am a person of principle. It matters to me what people stand for and if they are willing to stand. I do not agree fundamentally with the way the (other organization) handles many issues and where they stand. I could never be a “union” employee. For years I didn’t know I had a choice. I believe ACOE has much more in common with my perspective. I have had colleagues refuse to talk to me for days
    after learning that I left (other organization) – I find that ridiculous. The recruiter at our high school gives me a hard time about it and tries to put a hard sell on me every time I see him. I don’t believe you should have to intimidate or hustle people to win them over. I resent the way they do business. I find anyone who feels he or she must scorn me for exercising my right to choose, simply pathetic. So, again, I appreciate what you all stand for. (E)

  • When I contacted ACOE for legal assistance, the legal representative called me and we talked for a good while. He answered some of my questions and made me feel much better about things. He affirmed for me
    that I do have a reasonable concern, and that I have handled things so far in a reasonable manner. As I told him, I just need to make sure that I have the support of someone; if it is not my administrator, then I need to be assured I have it from somewhere. I am not a whiner or slacker or someone just looking for trouble. I work hard, I love my “kids” and one of the most important things to me is being supported so I can do my job like I need and know how to do. I have earned that. I appreciate so much the personal attention and concern that I have gotten from ACOE. It also affirms that I made the right decision in joining. I am spreading the news to others who share my principles. Thank you for getting back with me so quickly and encouraging me. It really means a lot. Since coming to this school, ironically in my hometown, I have not felt that sense of “family” that I have felt at my other schools. But you all have made me feel better, like there is someone who has my back. That alone is worth the dues I pay. Every day is a battle to do our job. I need to know that I can do my job with confidence that I have some backing. I cannot continue to work as hard as I do while constantly worrying that I will be blindsided with groundless and ridiculous accusations.  I appreciate that you obviously have taken my concerns seriously and have been so attentive. Thanks again. (E)
  • “I can’t tell you how proud I am to be associated with a group of Educators who actually do the right thing. My, how refreshing! I appreciate the efforts you have gone to.” (M)

  • “This is just another example of why we want out of [other organization]. Thank you so much for putting us and our needs above your own bottom line!! We deeply appreciate it!” (N)

  • “I want to say thank you. I am proud to be associated with an organization that truly does put their members’ needs first”. (P)

  • “Thank you so much for the professional manner in which your organization has handled this. I have several co-workers who are very upset regarding the whole situation. I’m sure after all is said and done you will have many more members as a result of all the hoops that had to be jumped through in regards to [other organization] membership”. (R)

  • “Thank you so much for this information. I did not receive an email from [other organization] in regards to this, so I’m not sure what will happen with my [other organization] membership. Thank you for looking out for our interests–I’m sure this is a hassle for you, but it is much appreciated”. (V)

  • “It’s a breath of fresh air to have people tell you the truth!” (H)

  • “I am very appreciative of your concern for the members of ACOE”. (D)

  • “Thank you for the email and the understanding of what we are going through……”. (N)

  • “THANK you for being so understanding of this situation!” (M)

  • “Thank you for alerting me to what is happening. My name is ……… I am a teacher at ……. I am anxious to separate my name from the politically driven war machine. Thank you for not harboring that same sentiment. I am looking forward to being a member”. (H)

  • “Thank you for providing this option for us. I look forward to ACOE membership”.(M)

  • “Thank you for making us aware of this”. (H)

  • “Thank you so much for your help & guidance on this matter!” (N)

  • “I had not been informed of….. and appreciate the email letting me know”. (WW)

  • “Thanks for all your help!” (D)

  • “Thank you for your help”. (G)

  • “Thank you for sending out this message. This is ridiculous for [other organization] to do”. (C)

  • “Thanks so much for your help”. (S)

  • “Thank you for notifying me, I had not been contacted by [other organization].” (F)

  • “Thank you so much for doing what is right…. Thank you again for this information”. (C)

  • “Thank you so much for letting me know about this. I truly appreciate your information and look forward to being a part of ACOE”. (A)

  • [name withheld], the [other organization] district rep. was extremely pushy with everyone at our school, almost to the point of harassment. She sent our principal to my classroom twice to try to get me to come and talk to her. The second time she sent a paper for me to sign, & I refused. Really upset me. Thank you for your help”. (B)

  • “Thanks so much for keeping me informed”. (R)

  • “Thank you for being so supportive with all of this. I really do appreciate it”. (L)

  • “I WILL, WILL, WILL be picking up my membership with you guys as soon as [other organization] ceases to force me to do something I don’t wish to do. Thank you for understanding, and I look forward to contacting you in the future and becoming an active member of ACOE”. (H)

  • “Thank you for making me aware of this. ……. Again, I appreciate your help in this matter”. (W)

  • [other organization] has not informed me of any of this information, so I am
    sincerely grateful for your regards”. (H)

  • “Thank you for informing us of this change. I had not heard about it at my school”. (M)

  • “I WILL NOT be going back to [other organization] for this very reason! They are bullying their own members!” (W)

  • “This is just one more reason why I want out of [other organization]” (H)

  • “Thanks so much for looking out for our interests”. (V)

  • “Thank you so much for informing us of this”. (V)